Best Gift Gadget Stuff : BookBook for iPhone

Want to read a book? You might be able to do so by loading up an e-book on your iPhone, assuming your precious Apple smartphone is encased in the rather odd looking £49.99 BookBook for iPhone case.

Yes sir, this unique addition intends to spruce up your smartphone life by merging the convenience of a wallet and a phone holder in a single offering. This genuine leather case will not only offer adequate protection for your iPhone against any knocks and scratches, it also doubles up as a wallet to stash all your savings for the future iPhone 5 purchase.

Not only that, it comes with all the bells and whistles of a wallet such as the relevant segments for credit cards, a clear window for your photo ID, as well as a space to stash notes – just in case, you know, your iPhone runs out of battery and you desperately need to jot down a particular figure. 

The iPhone will fit in nicely into the specially-designed pouch, and I guess you would do well to use a Bluetooth headset with this, unless you don’t mind opening and closing the BookBook often if you’re a busy person.


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